
Everything Barcode Blog

Barcodes Comes to Healthcare …… Finally! 

I know.  Some find it hard to believe that healthcare does not already use barcode. Thankfully,  now , like your local supermarket did in the 1970’s, healthcare has finally embraced the use of globally standardized barcodes.  This major change comes just in time to help improve patient safety, combat counterfeit drugs and reduce healthcare costs. – Read More

GMP – How to use thermal transfer printing correctly to comply with labeling requirements 

Why you should careIn the last few years compliance with supply chain specifications and barcode print quality standards has jumped into the spotlight.  Companies are now aware of the importance as they seek additional productivity and they enter new markets and support new applications. Almost all markets now have their barcodes under quality compliance requirements.  The reason is quite simple, it is just too expensive to handle products that can’t be scanned. – Read More

Using verifiers to get SQC information – SCANALYST 3

Statistical analysis methods are used to determine if a products quality parameters are acceptable. If you are marking your products with a barcode then the quality of that barcode is measurable and well defined in the ISO standards. All barcodes are described technically in ISO documents. The descriptions include how to encode, decode and inspect for quality. -Read More

A Second Chance to Make a Good First Impression

Most Class 3 and Class 2 medical device manufacturers have now completed the UDI submission process for listing their products in the GUDID, the FDA’s catalog of medical devices. – Read More

How to buy a Barcode Verifier for todays challenges

Business has changed – barcodes have changed – standards have changed – A buying guide for today –Read More

AIS’s History in Barcode Verification

A quick look into our history in barcode verification…Read More

Best Practices – in-process labeling

Just a few tips Read More

The Bridge Is Out

I recently read about a bridge in California that was washed out. The loss of this bridge meant an additional 200 mile a day commute for many was used by 20,000 people each day. Believe it or not, this made me think about barcode. When we start the day we make some assumptions that the core things we rely on will be there for us; heat, food, electricity, transportation, communications, jobs, etc. Today, almost everyone in the world is positively impacted by another infrastructure that they do not think about, barcode. It is everywhere. It is very important. It is how things work. In many ways it is like that bridge, a link from one side to the other, the physical side to the digital side. It is how we know what is going on. It allows us to exercise control and manage activities. Like the bridge, if we lose it we will really feel it. Read More

If you are printing barcodes

We all see barcodes being scanned almost every day. It has become part of our daily lives. When we see a barcode we automatically assume that it can be scanned, and in fact most can. However, there are many that are ‘bad barcodes’ out there. Do any belong to you? Read More

Are You Getting Ready For UDI or DQSA? (FDA Universal Data Identifier and Drug Quality Security Act)

These programs are going to be a great help in meeting healthcare industry challenges and for patient safety. It represents the start of a significant step up in the broad use of information technology in healthcare. The data will be primarily created from AIDC transactions as products are moved from manufacturing through distribution and on to the consumers. The data are expected to be very accurate and timely and yet inexpensive. In fact the data needs to be all that for success. That is why global barcode standards with expected quality levels are specified. To work in these markets you will need to comply with the standard. Unlike many other industry segments, healthcare companies will have to actively comply to stay out of trouble in the market and keep their reputation and clients. Read More

Barcode Verification and Omni-Channel Shopping

It is no secret that a lot of retail sales are moving toward online sites. It seems like we will eventually strike some balance between sales thru physical stores and sales thru their online counterparts.  Omni-channel shopping is one of the variants where a customer will order a product online from a retailer and pick it up at their local store from that stores inventory.  This offers shoppers the convenience of online shopping and the added convenience of almost instant access to the product they want.  Read More


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We look forward to being the answer to your barcode needs