Best Practices – in-process labeling

Best Practices – in-process labeling

Category : Uncategorized

Best Practices for barcode verification of in-process labeling – some tips

1. If you have a printing system that you can confirm is in good working order and producing ISO grade 2 or better (using an full-ISO verifier)

2. And that you can confirm this particular printing system is ‘in control’ – meaning that there is a small and predictable variation not effecting outcomes (determined using an full-ISO verifier)

Then you can include procedures in the process that:

1. Has the operator produce and test a sample label (using an full-ISO verifier) before the run starts – record the detail to a database for proof and reference later – include the batch or lot info as well as the time/date, operator ID and printer ID.

2. After confirming acceptable results in the test above, run the batch of labels while having the operator observe the system to see if there are issues during the run. Periodic confirming tests with the verifier are recommended. Again, the test results should be recorded in the database (some verifiers can do this automatically). In addition, a visual guide such as a horizontal line somewhere on the label can give the operator a clue if the printhead has burnt out or if it needs to be cleaned.  Be aware that the operators visual inspection is not a substitute for the test with a verifier.

3. At the completion of the run, perform a final inspection with the verifier of the last barcode produced.  Again , the results must be recorded.


If you do not have a verifier and need one or would like to know more about them, here is a handy guide to sort through it all and get you on track for success.

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