Barcode Compliance – Where Do You Stand?

Barcode Compliance Grade

Barcode Compliance

Do You Know Which Of These 3 Barcodes Are In Compliance?

Answer is………

You cannot really check a barcode using only your eyes.  It takes tools like SCANALYST 3 to do the job.

NONE of these 3 great looking barcodes are in compliance!

One is formatted incorrectly.  That means the data in the barcode cannot be interpreted, it is useless.  In this example the bad data is the Expiration Date for a perishable product.  It could have been on packaged chicken or fish.

Another barcode is of substandard quality, below the minimum of ISO 1.5.  This means that it may not be able to be read by all scanners.  Efficiency, ease of use and potentially accuracy have been compromised. Imagine a nurse administering to a patient and having to deal with a barcode that refuses to be scanned.

Finally, one has data that does not match the human readable information below the barcode.  That means that something really bad may have happened.  Some paid the correct amount and others did not.  Some folks got the right item/medication while others did not.

Looking for help with your barcodes?

Send us an image of your barcode and we will inspect your barcode for you and give you the result. This is temporary offer, usually worth $300, is FREE to help you get started with your barcode compliance program..  Be sure to include:

  • Contact Name
  • Company Name
  • Contact Phone Number
  • Attached Image
  • Subject Line – Barcode Compliance

To get more information on your barcodes CLICK HERE


We look forward to being the answer to your barcode needs