Barcode Verification – SCANALYST 3 Verifier Versions

SCANALYST 3 Barcode Verifier

SCANALYST 3 Barcode Verification System

SCANALYST 3 is a flexible modular platform designed to provide all of the verification functions required for a wide variety of barcode verification applications.  The SCANALYST 3 Specifications are generally applicable to all currently available versions, each of which has been designed to meet your specific needs:

Version Linear Code Verification 2D Code Verification Direct Parts Marks GS1 Data Structures
Linear Only Yes
2D only Yes
GS1 Yes Yes Yes

All versions have the wide field of view that allows you to inspect both small and large barcodes.  This makes it the most versatile barcode verification system available. All versions also have report generation and database entry. All versions have the ability to use a network location for holding the database.  This is useful for those companies with central GRC systems (Governance, Risk, Compliance) or EQMS (Enterprise Quality Management Systems).

Upgrades – It is anticipated that many barcode users will eventually broaden their verification needs to include barcode types that they are not currently using.  This is quite normal.  You may be replacing an older linear verifier now and know that you will be using one of the 2D barcodes in the future. SCANALYST 3 can be upgraded to respond to those needs.

Trade-ins from another manufacturer – Periodic trade-in programs allow you to trade in older barcode verification systems for SCANALYST 3.  Please contact us for details if this is of interest.

Accessories – We offer several add-on’s to the standard SCANALYST 3 kit that may be helpful to your specific need, You can find those here.


We look forward to being the answer to your barcode needs