SCANALYST 3 Accessories

SCANALYST 3 Accessories

SCANALYST 3 is modular which means that you will see the addition of various accessories as time goes on and we extend our catalog. Some of these may be significant to your application so we suggest that you check back periodically. At the present time there are a few major accessory categories.

  • Stands
    • SCANALYST 3 is shipped with a 3 legged flexible tripod included.
    • A fixed height 3 legged stand is also available
    • Since the SCANALYST 3 pod has a standard camera mount there are a wide variety of stands and holders available to meet your needs.
  • Calibration Tags (NIST)
    • SCANALYST 3 is shipped with 6 calibration tags. These are used to calibrate both reflectivity and to measure distance from the target area.  The reflectivity is ultimately traceable to an NIST target.
    • Additional tags are available free to users either under warranty or under a service support agreement.
  • External lights
    • SCANALYST 3 is shipped with LED lights built into the pod as well as a separate set of remote LEDS used to illuminate the target from one or two sides at various angles. This helps inspect barcodes on highly reflective surfaces and is also needed when inspecting DPM type barcodes.
  • Upgrades to other versions
    • There are several SCANALYST 3 types. You may be aware that there are many new applications that require barcode verification of 2D barcodes which you may not be familiar with at this time. If you have a need to upgrade please call or email us. We may be able to upgrade you quickly and easily without a big learning curve or disruption.
  • Upgrades to add new barcode types
    • We include all of the current popular barcodes with SCANALYST 3. There are new barcode types being developed and if they become popular we would expect to add them to our list.
  • Renewal of support agreement
    • The SCANALYST 3 support agreement extends the warranty for both hardware and software. It includes software upgrades and any other items included during the warranty period.  It also includes standard phone and email support.
  • Consulting
    • If your support requirement goes beyond the standard help items, we can provide either consulting, or possibly integration or possibly customization to meet your needs.

Be sure to check back for more SCANALYST 3 accessories.




We look forward to being the answer to your barcode needs